Welcome, I’m Thrilled You’re Here! ✨

I may not know your story yet, but nothing gets me more excited than hearing about a woman who’s conquered challenges to become her truest self.

A few years ago, I was in a toxic relationship. When I finally walked away, I had no money to buy groceries for my son. We lived in low-income housing, and I was battling depression and loneliness.

I couldn’t land more than a part-time job because I couldn’t afford childcare, and I got zero support from my family or my son’s dad. PTSD from my past traumas was a daily struggle, and I felt so broken and insecure that I couldn’t see my own worth. I didn’t believe anyone could love me after everything I’d been through. I used drugs and alcohol to numb the pain.

I hit rock bottom.


With a Psychology degree, 25 years of self-development, and extensive experience teaching a variety of subjects—from First Aid to Sports, and English during my year in Austria—along with 15 years as a trauma-informed Yoga teacher, I began to find my way back. Recognizing my inner strength and resourcefulness, I committed to therapy, mastered my mindset, and systematically addressed and overcame the barriers that had held me back.

I devoured everything on manifestation and creating the life of my dreams. Since then, I’ve manifested a loving relationship, a thriving coaching business, a fit and healthy body, my dream family car and home, all-expenses-paid vacations, inner peace, amazing friendships, firm boundaries, and abundance in every area of my life.

I’m here to tell you, it’s totally possible for you because you are the co-creator of your life.

If you’re high-achieving, driven, and craving more or something different, you’re in the right place. Welcome to the journey! 🌟💖


Now, it's my mission to help women heal, achieve their desires, and live lives of true abundance, happiness, and inner peace.


I’m excited to see your success and transformation as you become the woman you’re meant to be.


Let’s make your dreams a reality together!

Book a call