Elevated Soul Tribe


With Jen Dibnah


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I'm Jen Dibnah, 


I am an International Master Mindset Coach, Spiritual Teacher, wife and mom and I have spent the last 25 years learning about what makes humans tick and why we do the things we do.

My favourite thing to talk about is elevating your life by changing your thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and energy.

When I was eight years old, I had a club in my treehouse where the neighbourhood girls and I would meet, talk, share, laugh and even cry. 

It was an escape from the lives we were living- with mentally unstable parents, divorces on the horizon and bullies at school. 

Even though I'm not in my treehouse anymore, my dreams haven't changed.

I've always wanted to lead and support women as they uncover hidden parts of themselves, increase their personal value and find their authentic self by being sincerely honest with what's not working in their lives so they can discover what they truly want. 

Many women don't know what they want because they've been told to shut up and be less of themselves from people who supposedly loved them.

So they've dumbed themselves down, muted their feelings and inner light and put everyone else first. 

I won't have it though!! YOU are so valuable and you have important things to do and say. 

I truly believe you are here for a reason and if we have the pleasure of working together, it's because we've been divinely led. 

As a Highly Sensitive Empath, Generator 5/1 (I have a special knack for seeing and understanding problems and knowing how to solve them). I'm also Clairsentient (feeling), Clairvoyant (seeing), and Claircognizant (knowing)

Here is what I'm genius at:

Seeing the parts of you that you've hidden because of your fear of being seen, too much or "weird". Bringing it out, cheering you on and showing you how to love ALL of you, always. 

Seeing your mental and emotional blocks that keep you stuck and hold your hand while you peel back the layers of your past so you can heal, forgive and move forward with new beliefs. 

Feeling and understanding your pain and guiding you to use different modalities to heal yourself.

Teaching you how to listen to your intuition and trust yourself after years of ignoring it so you can make decisions grounded in your truth. 

Teaching you how to understand yourself and soothe your nervous system to optimize manifesting from a place of power.

Teaching you how to trust in God, The Universe, Source, your guides, angels and the energy that is always supporting and guiding you.

Showing you evidence of how powerful and valuable you are. 

Guiding you to find your inner power to set non-negotiable boundaries where you feel empowered and centred in your knowing. 

If any of this sounds like a F*CK YES! Then you are going to want to join our special sisterhood! Read on...

As a part of this special club, you will :

Build Your Confidence While Elevating Your Circle

Imagine expert-led workshops, a supportive community, meditations, breath work and discussions where you feel safe to share and be yourself.

Learn Valuable Tools to Unf*ck Your Mindset

Say goodbye to limiting beliefs and mind f*cks so you can overcome mental obstacles with meditation, breath work and Eastern and Western healing modalities.

Have Deep Personal & Spiritual Growth

Uncover the parts of you that you've hidden because of your fear of being seen, too much or "weird". Carefully bringing it out, cheering you on and showing you how to love ALL of you, always. 

There will be many opportunities to work with, get feedback and support from like minded-women and leading experts in weekly calls, workshops and masterclasses.

Sign up now for $97/month
One time payment of $777 for a year

Elevate your experience with a 60-minute Deep Dive into what's holding you back and create a clear plan of action for an additional investment of $197 (normally $333)—customized to address your unique needs and accelerate your manifestation journey.

Elevate My Journey

Here's What Our Community Is Saying!

Meet your Transformational Life Coach

Jennifer Dibnah brings a wealth of expertise accumulated over 25 years in self-development, psychology, counseling, and yoga and meditation instruction. Her deep knowledge of transforming mindsets to enhance lives is rooted in personal triumphs over adversity.

Having navigated a challenging childhood, weathered failed relationships, and shouldered the responsibilities of single motherhood for five years, Jennifer emerged stronger and wiser. These experiences have honed her ability to overcome obstacles and ascend to her highest self.

Today, Jennifer empowers successful women to reshape their thinking, leading them to discover a life of abundance and balance amidst the hustle. Her teachings inspire empowerment, inner peace, and mastery over the future.

Residing in the serene landscapes of North Vancouver with her family, Jennifer finds joy in hiking, immersing herself in books, and deepening her yoga practice.

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